Tag: Dena DeMint
Eyeworks presents workshop for Maryland PPA 2015 Convention

Saturday, February 21st at 9:30am – 5:00pm in EST Oliver’s Carriage House 5410 Leaf Treader Way, Columbia, Maryland 21044. Brian will be sharing a program on Avant Garde Fashion Photography at the Maryland Professional Photographers Association (MDPPA) 2015 Convention. This live demo is of a creative fashion shoot from beginning …
Eyeworks speaks at AfterDark2014
Eyeworks speaking at Imaging USA!
Spiva Center for the Arts Gallery

Last April, Spiva Center for the Arts, a local gallery, hosted Eyeworks’ exhibit titled: Interludes and Explosions: the Photography of Brian DeMint. The show included some of Brian’s old favorites and some pieces not previously release. There were seventeen pieces and still each piece ranging in color and style. “I …
Eyeworks’ New Intern: Natalie DeMint
AfterDark Dallas

AfterDark Dallas: Huge success for everyone With each AfterDark the workshop seems to get just the right tweaking to make it better than the previous one… Dave Junion and Kaui Nichols dedication to evolving AfterDark to meet the needs of photographers is never ending and so very much appreciated by …