AfterDark Dallas

AfterDark Dallas: Huge success for everyone

With each AfterDark the workshop seems to get just the right tweaking to make it better than the previous one… Dave Junion and Kaui Nichols dedication to evolving AfterDark to meet the needs of photographers is never ending and so very much appreciated by all of us who attend AfterDark.

AD Dallas was an amazing event at the Hilton Bella harbor Dallas/Rockwall Lakefront… with a great mentor lineup that included my wife Dena DeMint (teaching hair and makeup) there was somewhere in the neighborhood of around 135 total classes in 3 days… more than enough to keep everyone hopping all 72 hours of the workshop…

The next event will be in Charlotte, NC… May 14 – 16th

To find out more visit  AfterDark Education

Hope to see you there!


Photography School House Webinar Tonight!

Tonight! March 5, 2012 Webinar for Photography School House

Brian DeMint – Unleash Your Creative Mind

“Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.” Cecil Beaton

This forward thinking program will teach you scientifically proven methods to develop, enhance and unfetter your creative thought process. A fun and informative class designed for photographers at every level regardless of shooting methods or subject matter.

We are now at a point in digital world where outstanding equipment is available to the masses, thus, what is going to distance you from the crowd is your artistic knowledge and creative abilities. By exploring proven creative methods as synthesis, reapplication and more I will show you how to be more expressive, innovative and resourceful in your photography.
I hope you will come and join us!
Visit for more info…

6 PM Pacific Time
7 PM Mountain
8 PM Central
9 PM Eastern

Webinar for Photography Schoolhouse

Will be giving a Webinar for Photography Schoolhouse on March 2nd at 8pm (central) The program is intitiled “Unleash your Creative Mind”

This forward thinking program will teach you scientifically proven methods to develop, enhance and unfetter your creative thought process. A fun and informative class designed for photographers at every level regardless of shooting methods or subject matter.

We are now at a point in the digital world where outstanding equipment is available to the masses, thus, what is going to distance you from the crowd is your artistic knowledge and creative abilities. By exploring proven creative methods as synthesis, reapplication and more I will show you how to be more expressive, innovative and resourceful in your photography.

I hope you will come and join me Online!

Iowa’s Winter Convention

Had a great time at the Professional Photographers of Iowa’s Winter Convention! Would like to thank everyone involved in bringing Dena and I to the workshop and to our model Christina Renard. It was also terrific to see my buddies, fellow photographers Dan McClanahan, Ben Shirk, Kevin Hudson, Kaui Nichols and more…

Huge thank you to WHCC! …and to the two guys that ran out and got me a new laptop cable when mine decided to turn to crap right in the middle of the presentation…

Dena and I had a chance to visit the Des Moines Art Center and I was floored to see an insanely brillant “combine” from Robert Raushenberg and a wild painting by Hannah Hoch which surely must have had an influence on the Pop Surrrealism movement now in full swing…

A few images from the shoot:

AfterDark Discount

Gearing up for AfterDark in Dallas next week! If you haven’t been to AfterDark you have to go… NOW! It’s 72 hours of non-stop learning and fun… Some of the biggest names in the industry in their given fields as Mentors all ready and willing to do anything we can to help you hone your photographic, marketing and artistic skills. Sign up before it’s too late discount code expires Feburary 15! Use code EWP to receive $72 off!

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